permanent hair removal

let’s talk hairy (potter) and hair – raising misadventures.
stages of hair growth
hair and skin, like harry and hermoine, have more in common than you may think. both skin and hair are stratified squamous keratinized epithelium, made of multi-layered flat cells whose rope-like filaments provide structure and strength to the hair shaft. have you ever wondered why we find hair growing on some parts of our body and not others? this happens because human hair grows mostly everywhere on the body except for the eyelids, the lips, the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.
there is a specific growth cycle that hair, like skin, follows in its development. this is formed of three distinct and concurrent phases: anagen, catagen, and telogen phases which occur simultaneously. despite this, each hair follicle is completely independent of each other and while one strand of hair may be in the anagen phase, another may be in the catagen phase. it is this very process that prevents our hair from falling out all at once! the length of hair is also determined by very specific characteristics unique to each phase.

3 different phases
anagen, catagen, and telogen phases form the three distinct stages of hair growth. each strand of hair on the human body develops at its own pace and may be found in varying stages of development. once its growth cycle is complete, each strand of hair restarts and a new strand of hair begins to form. the rate or speed of hair growth is about 1.25 centimetres or 0.5 inches per month, or about 15 centimetres or 6 inches per year.

anagen phase
did you know that 85% of our hair at any given time will be in this very phase? also known as the growth phase, it lasts an average of between two to six years. this phase, which begins in the papilla, also determines the length of hair growth. genetics plays a major role in determining the length of time that hair might stay in the anagen phase and the longer it remains in this phase, the longer the hair grows. it is also within this phase that new hair fibres are produced by the division of cells in the papilla. the strands are then nourished through the follicles which bury themselves into the dermal layer of the skin.
catagen phase
the next phase is also called the transitional phase and begins when the anagen phase ends. growth stops during the catagen phase and the hair follicle shrinks and detaches from the dermal papilla. for roughly two weeks, the hair follicle lies in a state of “rest”as the nourishing blood supply to the hair strand is cut off. this causes the hair follicles to shrink to one-sixth of its original length which in turn pushes the hair shaft upwards. subsequently it is this upward movement that results in the growth of the length of the terminal fibres.
telogen phase
this lasts between one to four months and is known as the resting phase where the hair follicle is completely inactive. ten to fifteen percent of the hairs on one’s head are in this phase of growth at any given time. in this final stage of the hair growth cycle, the hair shaft stops growing, is released and eventually falls out.
during the telogen phase, hair is temporarily anchored to the follicle through epidermal cells lining the follicle channel which grow and accumulate around the base of the hair. however, when the follicle begins to grow again and new hair is formed, the anchor point of the hair shaft weakens and hair is shed. from that moment, new hair shafts emerge after two weeks marking the end of the telogen phase. the process results in normal hair loss known as shedding.
at the end of the telogen phase, hair follicles re-enter the anagen phase once again and the hair growth cycle repeats itself.
hair – raising problems…
ingrown hair
it’s red, spotty, bumpy, itchy and uncomfortable. what are these on your skin? not painful like pimples or a rash characteristic of hives, but these bumps are your typical ingrown hairs.
ingrown hairs are hairs that have curled around and grow back into your skin instead of rising up from it.
causes of ingrown hair:
this sometimes happens when the hair follicle becomes clogged up with dead skin, forcing the hair inside it to grow sideways under the skin, rather than upward and outward. another cause of ingrown hair is cutting naturally curly hair too close to the skin which results in the sharpened end of the hair piercing the skin and re-entering it, causing an ingrown hair which irritates the skin.
although ingrown hairs aren’t serious, they can be irritating and embarrassing and is characterised by a raised, red bump (or group of bumps) that looks like a little pimple or in other cases, forms into a painful, boil-like sore. multiple ingrown hairs are not only itchy but cause discomfort, and sometimes one may be able to spot the hairs trapped under the skin as well as the pus inside the bumps.
the most common areas where ingrown hairs often pop up in men are on the chin, cheeks, or neck after shaving and are commonly found as a bunch of little red bumps.
unlike men, common areas where ingrown hairs are found on women are the legs, pubic area, armpits and on the buttocks.
why me?
ingrown hair affects anyone and everyone; however people who have coarse or curly hair are most prone to getting them. after the hair has been shaved or cut, this type of hair has a tendency to bend back, curl round and grow back into the skin.
high levels of certain sex hormones in some people also result in excessive hair growth, increasing the chances of ingrown hairs developing, especially after shaving.
pseudofolliculitis or razor bumps is a type of ingrown hair resulting from close shaving of curly hair and found mainly in african-americans, latinos, and people with thick or curly hair.
these little bumps appear the beard area after shaving, waxing, or tweezing of unwanted hair. when the hair grows back, it develops a sharper edge which easily pokes back through the skin and gets trapped under the surface.
hair removal:
razors or any other bladed implements are the most common tools used in the removal of hair in both men and women and common areas shaved include the removal of chest hair, abdominal hair,leg hair, underarm hair, pubic hair or any other bodily hair.
men shave to remove their facial hair, while women shave to remove their leg and underarm hair. when a man has his beard completely removed, he is referred to as being clean shaven.
shaving problems
shaving triggers numerous side effects on the skin which appears in the form of cuts, abrasions, and irritation. by using a fresh blade with every shave, ensuring that sufficient lubrication is applies, and reducing the pressure applied with the razor when shaving will all help to minimize these unwanted side effects.
there are various tools offered by the cosmetic market today that help reduce the stress of shaving on the skin and won’t break your budget, such as the humble shaving brush. alternatively, one is recommended to use only single-blade or wire-wrapped blades that shave farther away from the skin. however, if your skin is intolerant to razor shaving, depilatory shaving powders also help to dissolve the hair above the skin’s surface thus reducing the irritation that shaving may cause. if all else fails, an inexpensive and fashionable way of overcoming this physical stress is to simply grow a beard!
investing in a range of skin care products to ease the irritation of shaving is an alternative of course, and be certain to look for products that work to dry the affected area as well as lift out the trapped hair (s).
gladiator the movie might have been all the rage once but in this age of aesthetic harmony and modern living, nobody would wish to pass for a ravaged soldier first thing in the morning. avoid using dull blades or exerting excessive pressure on the blade when shaving as these all contribute to cuts on the skin and may even result in bloody trails. instead, be sure to replace the razor cartridge weekly, use a sharp razor and glide the blade across the face gently without applying too much pressure in as few strokes as possible.
razor burn
any nicks, scratches or irritation of the skin is known as razor burn and is caused by a lack of adequate shaving technique or by using a blunt blade. it is a skin inflammation and a common problem caused by close shaving, using a blunt blade, dry shaving, exerting excess pressure when shaving, shaving too quickly or roughly, or shaving against the grain.
for those who shave coarse hairs on areas with sensitive skin like the bikini line, pubic hair, underarms,chest, and beard, it is a common occurrence and appears as a mild rash 2–4 minutes after shaving, usually disappearing after a few hours to a few days, depending on its severity. when the area around shaved hairs get raised red welts or infected pustules however, this more severe scenario is known as razor bumps and may accompany razor burns.
why me?
ingrown hair affects anyone and everyone; however people who have coarse or curly hair are most prone to getting them. after the hair has been shaved or cut, this type of hair has a tendency to bend back, curl round and grow back into the skin.
high levels of certain sex hormones in some people also result in excessive hair growth, increasing the chances of ingrown hairs developing, especially after shaving.
pseudofolliculitis or razor bumps is a type of ingrown hair resulting from close shaving of curly hair and found mainly in african-americans, latinos, and people with thick or curly hair.
these little bumps appear the beard area after shaving, waxing, or tweezing of unwanted hair. when the hair grows back, it develops a sharper edge which easily pokes back through the skin and gets trapped under the surface.
hair removal:
razors or any other bladed implements are the most common tools used in the removal of hair in both men and women and common areas shaved include the removal of chest hair, abdominal hair,leg hair, underarm hair, pubic hair or any other bodily hair.
men shave to remove their facial hair while women shave to remove their leg and underarm hair. when a man has his beard completely removed, he is referred to as being clean shaven.
shaving problems
shaving triggers numerous side effects on the skin which appears in the form of cuts, abrasions, and irritation. by using a fresh blade with every shave, ensuring that sufficient lubrication is applies, and reducing the pressure applied with the razor when shaving will all help to minimize these unwanted side effects.
there are various tools offered by the cosmetic market today that help reduce the stress of shaving on the skin and won’t break your budget, such as the humble shaving brush. alternatively, one is recommended to use only single-blade or wire-wrapped blades that shave farther away from the skin. however, if your skin is intolerant to razor shaving, depilatory shaving powders also help to dissolve the hair above the skin’s surface thus reducing the irritation that shaving may cause. if all else fails, an inexpensive and fashionable way of overcoming this physical stress is to simply grow a beard!
investing in a range of skin care products to ease the irritation of shaving is an alternative of course, and be certain to look for products that work to dry the affected area as well as lift out the trapped hair (s).
gladiator the movie might have been all the rage once but in this age of aesthetic harmony and modern living, nobody would wish to pass for a ravaged soldier first thing in the morning. avoid using dull blades or exerting excessive pressure on the blade when shaving as these all contribute to cuts on the skin and may even result in bloody trails. instead, be sure to replace the razor cartridge weekly, use a sharp razor and glide the blade across the face gently without applying too much pressure in as few strokes as possible.
razor burn
any nicks, scratches or irritation of the skin is known as razor burn and is caused by a lack of adequate shaving technique or by using a blunt blade. it is a skin inflammation and a common problem caused by close shaving, using a blunt blade, dry shaving, exerting excess pressure when shaving, shaving too quickly or roughly, or shaving against the grain.
for those who shave coarse hairs on areas with sensitive skin like the bikini line, pubic hair, underarms,chest, and beard, it is a common occurrence and appears as a mild rash 2–4 minutes after shaving, usually disappearing after a few hours to a few days, depending on its severity. when the area around shaved hairs get raised red welts or infected pustules however, this more severe scenario is known as razor bumps and may accompany razor burns.
razor bumps
the medical term for razor bumps is pseudofolliculitis barbae or pfb and is a persistent inflammation caused by shaving.
DPL is not an ordinary IPL, but has the ability to earn the reputation of dynamic pulsed light with the latest SND technology in the skincare industry. SND concept harnesses both the power of IPL and laser power source to generate new shape of pulses called D-Light to achieve optimal youth and clarity for the skin.
the D-light with laser intensity helps remove unwanted hair effectively on the skin for long term hair removal. and successfully removes excess hair with permanent removal for upper lips, chin, under arms, pelvic area and limbs. during treatment, the red light targets the melanin within the hair shaft causing the follicle temperature to rise and the consequent destruction of the follicle. simultaneously, the yellow light acts to destroy the blood supply nourishing the germinating hair cells, preventing any potential for further hair growth.
two different types of light are used in DPL hair removal: smart light for coarse hair removal and d-light for fine hair removal.

ingrown hair
say “goodbye ” to ingrown hair.
anyone can get an ingrown hair. but the problem is more common in people who have very curly or coarse hair. curly hair is more likely to bend back and re-enter the skin, especially after it’s been shaved or cut. men in particular faced this dilemma.
ingrown hairs (also called razor bumps) are unsightly and painful. it can cause redness and swelling (its medical term is pseudofolliculitis barbae or pfb).permanently darken the skin, or leave behind a scar, especially if you’ve been scratching or picking at it.

adjust your shaving technique
shaving too closely is one of the triggers for razor bumps. hair stubs cut too closely will get trapped inside the hair follicle and dig inward or sideways. to avoid shaving too close, don’t pull the skin when you shave; don’t put too much pressure on the blades; shave with the grain and use a single-blade razor. you will need to maintain this approach over time, as one extra-close shave will be enough to cause a recurrence of ingrown hairs that will take weeks to heal.
there are several products that claim to help treat ingrown hairs, but the reality is that salicylic acid is the one active substance that can visibly improve razor bumps. it is a dermatological-grade ingredient that exfoliates, moisturizes, clears pores and can help prevent infection.
exfoliating (removing the upper layers of dead skin) is indispensable to manage ingrown hairs. weekly use of a gentle face scrub with glycolic acid is particularly effective.
look for faceofman exfoliative scrub to loosen the dead cells to prevent ingrown hair.
since scrubbing is only prevention but what can you do to treat ingrown hair?
consult the staff at faceofman ans ask for fm photon shower hair removal that will destroy the ingrown hair follicle, leaving you a permanent solution to ingrown hair..